

Scalable, modern, cloud-hosted. We provide cutting-edge voice solutions for businesses of all sizes, using our expertise to boost your productivity. From cloud phone systems to multi-channel contact centres, we have the tools to make your customer service shine.  

Cloud phone systems

The traditional PBX has had its day. This is the age of cloud. Our cloud-hosted phone system leads the way in features, flexibility and user-friendliness.  

It is all managed in a simple web portal. Forget about being tied to the office – you can connect anywhere with an internet connection, on any device. Remote and hybrid work could hardly be easier.  

Unlike on-premise phone systems, there is no expensive hardware to install. Our experts will get you started rapidly. It is easy to manage, and easy to use, making communication quicker and more efficient. 

Cost Savings

Say goodbye to expensive onsite hardware and over-priced line rental. Our cloud phone systems just require an internet connection. VoIP calls are cheaper than the alternative, and there is no compromise on quality.

With cloud, you simply pay on a per-user basis, meaning there is no waste at all.

Connect Anywhere

Remote working is an opportunity and a logistical challenge. It can make your business more flexible and mobile, as well as opening up a wider recruitment pool. But without the right technology in place, it is hard to keep in touch.

Our cloud phone system makes it easy. You can log in on any device, whether it is on our mobile app or simply on a web browser. And this gives you all your phone system features from anywhere.

The result? Unlimited business mobility, smooth workflow across multiple locations, flexibility and efficient communication.


Our phone systems are not just easy to use – they also unlock a range of productivity-boosting features, from CRM integration to automated call analytics. All of these features help to improve call handling, improve internal comms and ultimately stay connected to your customers.

With all of the right features in place, your business can operate at peak performance. You will reduce the amount of time wasted through poor communication or missed calls. This will give your staff more time to focus on what is important and be more productive overall.

Microsoft Teams Integration

Already using Microsoft Teams for internal collaboration? We can link it to your phone system. This gives you crystal-clear voice calls, all handled on the Teams interface. Boost efficiency by putting collaboration and customer contact in one place.


Collaborate anywhere, with a high-powered unified communications platform. Our collaboration platform offers business voice, along with multi-channel communication including video, conferencing and instant messaging. 


Multi-channel, cloud-hosted customer contact centre for businesses of all sizes. Enhance service and connect with customers over voice, email, instant messenger and social media – all on one easy-to-use platform.


Growing your business? You need technology that grows with you instead of slowing you down. Traditional on-premise PBXs will have limits on how many users you can have. And if you want to upgrade, it costs time and money.

Cloud makes it so much easier. Not only does our cloud phone system scale with you – it does it instantly, without excessive costs or delays. Whether you are adding a new location or a few new recruits, all you need to do is add more users to your existing platform. No delays, no new infrastructure – just a few clicks!


There is so much more to our cloud phone systems than all these great features. They are also incredibly easy to use. The interface is intuitive for end users, and system administration is equally straightforward and fast.

The result? All the core functions are quick and easy to access, and everyday use is a breeze! Great design and user experience are more than just a bonus. They boost your efficiency too, by making everything faster – from everyday use to system administration and training new users.


Long spells of downtime are not an option. Your customers expect to be able to contact you when they need you. Our cloud phone system is highly resilient, offering your customers the availability they expect.

It is hosted in multiple tier-one data centres away from your site. What does this mean? If one server goes down, it automatically fails over to another. And if there are problems in your area, the data centres are unaffected. This maximises uptime, keeping you connected to customers when they need.

SIP Trunks

Futureproof your communications – and reduce costs and complexity in the process. SIP trunks allow you to handle calls online. Traditional ISDN and PSTN lines will be out of service by 2025 – it is time for an upgrade.


Call costs and line rental charges are often significantly lower with SIP than with ISDN, reducing operating expenses.


ISDN lines are limited in capacity, and scaling up may require new line installations. SIP is much more easily scalable, with much more capacity.


Still using ISDN lines for calls? BT is switching them off, and you will have to route calls over the internet. With SIP, you will not be left behind.

Five-star reviews

We have a record of excellence in our Trustpilot and Google reviews. Please leave us a review if you value your experience with Start Comms.

100+ years experience

Our team collectively has over one hundred years of combined experience in our field, and your business will benefit from this expertise.

6 second average response

Rapid response and rapid service. We are always here when you need us, which is why our average call response time is 6 seconds.

get in touch

To talk to a member of our team please give us a call or complete the contact form.